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Harō is a modern immutable DataStore built with ES6 features, which can be wired to an API for a complete feedback loop. It is un-opinionated, and offers a plug'n'play solution to modeling, searching, & managing data on the client, or server (in RAM). It is a partially persistent data structure, by maintaining version sets of records in versions (MVCC).

Synchronous commands return instantly (Array or Tuple), while asynchronous commands return Promises which will resolve or reject in the future. This allows you to build complex applications without worrying about managing async code.

Harō indexes have the following structure Map (field/property) > Map (value) > Set (PKs) which allow for quick & easy searching, as well as inspection. Indexes can be managed independently of del() & set() operations, for example you can lazily create new indexes via reindex(field), or sortBy(field).


Harō is built with ES6+ features, and requires polyfills for ES5 or earlier environments.

How to use

Harō takes two optional arguments, the first is an Array of records to set asynchronously, & the second is a configuration descriptor.

var storeDefaults = haro();
var storeRecords = haro([{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]);
var storeCustom = haro(null, {key: 'id'});

Persistent Storage

Harō is an in RAM only DataStore, so state could be lost if your program unexpectedly restarted, or some kind of machine failure were to occur. To handle this serious problem, Harō affords a 1-n relationship with persistent storage adapters. You can register one or many adapters, and data updates will asynchronously persist to the various long term storage systems.

DataStore records will be stored separate of the DataStore snapshot itself (if you decide to leverage it), meaning you are responsible for doing a load() & save() at startup & shutdown. This is a manual process because it could be a time bottleneck in the middle of using your application. Loading an individual record will update the DataStore with value from persistent storage.

DataStore snapshots & individual records can be removed from persistent storage with unload(); it is not recommended to do this for an individual record, and to instead rely on del(), but it's afforded because it may be required.

Creating an Adapter

Adapters are simple in nature (can be isomorphic), and pretty easy to create! Follow the template below, fill in the gaps for your adapter as needed, such as handling multiple connection pools, etc.. The input parameters should not be mutated. The return must be a Promise.

"use strict";

const deferred = require("tiny-defer");

function adapter (store, op, key, data) {
    let defer = deferred(),
        record = key !== undefined,
        config = store.adapters.myAdapterName,
        prefix = config.prefix || store.id,
        lkey = prefix + (record ? "_" + key : "")),
        client = "Your driver instance";

    if (op === "get") {
        client.get(lkey, function (e, reply) {
            let result = JSON.parse(reply || null);

            if (e) {
            } else if (result) {
            } else if (record) {
                defer.reject(new Error("Record not found in myAdapterName"));
            } else {
    } else if (op === "remove") {
        client.del(lkey, function (e) {
            if (e) {
            } else {
    } else if (op === "set") {
        client.set(lkey, JSON.stringify(record ? data : store.toArray()), function (e) {
            if (e) {
            } else {

    return defer.promise;

module.exports = adapter;


Piping Promises

var store = haro();

console.log(store.total); // 0

store.set(null, {abc: true}).then(function (arg) {
  console.log(arg); // [$uuid, {abc: true}];
  console.log(store.total); // 1
  return store.set(arg[0], {abc: false});
}).then(function (arg) {
  console.log(arg); // [$uuid, {abc: false}];
  console.log(store.versions.get(arg[0]).size); // 1;
  return store.del(arg[0])
}).then(function () {
  console.log(store.total); // 0;
}).catch(function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

Indexes & Searching

var store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
    data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  console.log(records[0]); // [$uuid, {name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]
  console.log(store.total); // 2
  console.log(store.find({age: 28})); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]
  console.log(store.search(/^ja/i, 'name')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]
  console.log(store.search(function (age) { return age < 30; }, 'age')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]
}).catch(function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

MVCC versioning

var store = haro();

store.set(null, {abc: true}).then(function (arg) {
  return store.set(arg[0], {abc: false});
}).then(function (arg) {
  return store.set(arg[0], {abc: true});
}).then(function (arg) {
  store.versions.get(arg[0]).forEach(function (i) { console.log(i[0]); }); // {abc: true}, {abc: false}
}).catch(function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);


A benchmark is included in the repository, and is useful for gauging how haro will perform on different hardware, & software. Please consider that batch(), & set() use Promises and incur time as a cost. The following results are from an Apple MacBook Air (Early 2014) / 8GB RAM / 512GB SSD / OS X Yosemite:

time to load data: 523.421068ms
datastore record count: 15000
name indexes: 15000
testing time to 'find()' a record (first one is cold):
testing time to 'search(regex, index)' for a record (first one is cold):


adapters Object

Object of {(storage): (connection string)} pairs. Collection/table name is the value of this.id.

Available adapters: mongo

Example of specifying MongoDB as persistent storage:

var store = haro(null, {
  adapters: {
    mongo: "mongo://localhost/mine"

config Object

Default settings for fetch().

Example of specifying a bearer token authorization header:

var store = haro(null, {
  config: {
    headers: {
      authorization: 'Bearer abcdef'

index Array

Array of values to index. Composite indexes are supported, by using the default delimiter (this.delimiter). Non-matches within composites result in blank values.

Example of fields/properties to index:

var store = haro(null, {index: ['field1', 'field2', 'field1|field2|field3']);

key String

Optional Object key to utilize as Map key, defaults to a version 4 UUID if not specified, or found.

Example of specifying the primary key:

var store = haro(null, {key: 'field'});

logging Boolean

Logs persistent storage messages to console, default is true.

onbatch Function

Event listener for a batch operation, receives two arguments ['type', Tuple].

onclear Function

Event listener for clearing the data store.

ondelete Function

Event listener for when a record is deleted, receives the record key.

onerror Function

Event listener for errors which occur during common operations, receives two arguments ['type', Error]

onset Function

Event listener for when a record is set, receives a Tuple.

onsync Function

Event listener for synchronizing with an API, receives a Tuple of Tuples.

source String

Optional Object key to retrieve data from API responses, see setUri().

Example of specifying the source of data:

var store = haro(null, {source: 'data'});

versioning Boolean

Enable/disable MVCC style versioning of records, default is true. Versions are stored in Sets for easy iteration.

Example of disabling versioning:

var store = haro(null, {versioning: false});


data Map

Map of records, updated by del() & set().

indexes Map

Map of indexes, which are Sets containing Map keys.

patch Boolean

Set from the success handler of sync(), infers PATCH requests are supported by the API collection.

registry Array

Array representing the order of this.data.

total Number

Total records in the DataStore.

uri String

API collection URI the DataStore is wired to, in a feedback loop (do not modify, use setUri()). Setting the value creates an implicit relationship with records, e.g. setting /users would imply a URI structure of /users/{key}. Trailing slashes may be stripped.

versions Map

Map of Sets of records, updated by set().


batch(array, type) Promise

The first argument must be an Array, and the second argument must be del or set. Batch operations with a DataStore that is wired to an API with pagination enabled & PATCH support may create erroneous operations, such as add where replace is appropriate; this will happen because the DataStore will not have the entire data set to generate it's JSONPatch request.

var haro = require('haro'),
    store = haro(null, {key: 'id', index: ['name']}),
    i = -1,
    nth = 100,
    data = [];

while (++i < nth) {
  data.push({id: i, name: 'John Doe' + i});

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function(records) {
  // records is a Tuple of Tuples
}, function (e) {

clear() self

Removes all key/value pairs from the DataStore.

Example of clearing a DataStore:

var store = haro();

// Data is added


del(key) Promise

Deletes the record.

Example of deleting a record:

var store = haro();

store.set(null, {abc: true}).then(function (rec) {
  return store.del(rec[0]);
}, function (e) {
  throw e;
}).then(function () {
  console.log(store.total); // 0
}, function (e) {

dump(type="records") Array or Object

Returns the records or indexes of the DataStore as mutable Array or Object, for the intention of reuse/persistent storage without relying on an adapter which would break up the data set.

var store = haro();

// Data is loaded

var records = store.dump();
var indexes = store.dump('indexes');

// Save records & indexes

entries() MapIterator

Returns returns a new Iterator object that contains an array of [key, value] for each element in the Map object in insertion order.

Example of deleting a record:

var store = haro(),
    item, iterator;

// Data is added

iterator = store.entries();
item = iterator.next();

do {
  item = iterator.next();
} while (!item.done);

filter(callbackFn) Tuple

Returns a Tuple of double Tuples with the shape [key, value] for records which returned true to callbackFn(value, key).

Example of filtering a DataStore:

var store = haro();

// Data is added

store.filter(function (value) {
  return value.something === true;

find(where) Tuple

Returns a Tuple of double Tuples with found by indexed values matching the where.

Example of finding a record(s) with an identity match:

var store = haro(null, {index: ['field1']});

// Data is added

store.find({field1: 'some value'});

forEach(callbackFn[, thisArg]) Undefined

Calls callbackFn once for each key-value pair present in the Map object, in insertion order. If a thisArg parameter is provided to forEach, it will be used as the this value for each callback.

Example of deleting a record:

var store = haro();

store.set(null, {abc: true}).then(function (rec) {
  store.forEach(function (value, key) {
}, function (e) {

get(key) Tuple

Gets the record as a double Tuple with the shape [key, value].

Example of getting a record with a known primary key value:

var store = haro();

// Data is added


join(other, on[, type="inner", where=[]]) Array

Joins this instance of Haro with another, on a field/property. Supports "inner", "left", & "right" JOINs. Resulting composite records implement a storeId_field convention for fields/properties. The optional forth parameter is an Array which can be used for WHERE clauses, similar to find(), [store1, store2].

var store1 = haro([{id: "abc", name: "jason", age: 35}, {id: "def", name: "jen", age: 31}], {id: 'users', key: 'id', index: ['name', 'age']});
var store2 = haro([{id: 'ghi', user: "abc", value: 40}], {id: 'values', key: 'id', index: ['user', 'value']});

// Join results
store1.join(store2, "user", "inner").then(function (records) {
  // [{"users_id":"abc","users_name":"jason","users_age":35,"values_id":"ghi","values_user":"abc","values_value":40}]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

store1.join(store2, "user", "inner", [{age: 31}]).then(function (records) {
  // []
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

store1.join(store2, "user", "left").then(function (records) {
  // [{"users_id":"abc","users_name":"jason","users_age":35,"values_id":"ghi","values_user":"abc","values_value":40},
  //  {"users_id":"def","users_name":"jen","users_age":31,"values_id":null,"values_user":null,"values_value":null}]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

store1.join(store2, "user", "right").then(function (records) {
  // [{"values_id":"ghi","values_user":"abc","values_value":40,"users_id":"abc","users_name":"jason","users_age":35}]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

keys() MapIterator

Returns a new Iterator object that contains the keys for each element in the Map object in insertion order.`

Example of getting an iterator, and logging the results:

var store = haro(),
    item, iterator;

// Data is added

iterator = store.keys();
item = iterator.next();

do {
  item = iterator.next();
} while (!item.done);

limit(max, offset=0) Tuple

Returns a Tuple of double Tuples with the shape [key, value] for the corresponding range of records.

Example of paginating a data set:

var store = haro(), ds1, ds2;

// Data is added

console.log(store.total); // >10
ds1 = store.limit(10);     // [0-9]
ds2 = store.limit(10, 10); // [10-19]

console.log(ds1.length === ds2.length); // true
console.log(JSON.stringify(ds1[0][1]) === JSON.stringify(ds2[0][1])); // false

load([adapter="mongo", key]) Promise

Loads the DataStore, or a record from a specific persistent storage & updates the DataStore. The DataStore will be cleared prior to loading if key is omitted.

map(callbackFn) Tuple

Returns a Tuple of the returns of callbackFn(value, key).

Example of mapping a DataStore:

var store = haro();

// Data is added

store.map(function (value) {
  return value.property;

offload(data[, cmd="index", index=this.index]) Promise

Returns a Promise for an offloaded work load, such as preparing indexes in a Worker. This method is ideal for dealing with large data sets which could block a UI thread. This method requires Blob & Worker.

Example of offloading index creation:

var store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age'], key: 'guid'}),
    data = [{guid: 'abc', name: 'Jason Mulligan', age: 35}];

store.offload(data).then(function (args) {
  store.override(args, 'indexes');
}, function (e) {

override(data[, type="records", fn]) Promise

Returns a Promise for the new state. This is meant to be used in a paired override of the indexes & records, such that you can avoid the Promise based code path of a batch() insert or load(). Accepts an optional third parameter to perform the transformation to simplify cross domain issues.

Example of overriding a DataStore:

var store = haro();

store.override({'field': {'value': ['pk']}}, "indexes").then(function () {
 // Indexes have been overridden, no records though! override as well?
}, function (e) {

reindex([index]) Haro

Re-indexes the DataStore, to be called if changing the value of index.

Example of mapping a DataStore:

var store = haro();

// Data is added

// Creating a late index

// Recreating indexes, this should only happen if the store is out of sync caused by developer code.

register(key, fn) Haro

Registers a persistent storage adapter.

Example of registering an adapter:

var haro = require('haro'),

// Configure a store to utilize the adapter
store = haro(null, {
  adapters: {
    mongo: "mongo://localhost/mydb"

// Register the adapter
store.register('mongo', require('haro-mongo'));

request(input, config) Promise

Returns a Promise for a fetch() with a triple Tuple [body, status, headers] as the resolve() & reject() argument.

Example of mapping a DataStore:

var store = haro();

store.request('https://somedomain.com/api').then(function (arg) {
  console.log(arg); // [body, status, headers]
}, function (arg) {

save([adapter]) Promise

Saves the DataStore to persistent storage.

search(arg[, index=this.index]) Tuple

Returns a Tuple of double Tuples with the shape [key, value] of records found matching arg. If arg is a Function (parameters are value & index) a match is made if the result is true, if arg is a RegExp the field value must .test() as true, else the value must be an identity match. The index parameter can be a String or Array of Strings; if not supplied it defaults to this.index.

Example of searching with a predicate function:

var store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
 console.log(store.search(function (age) {
   return age < 30;
 }, 'age')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

set(key, data, batch=false, override=false) Promise

Returns a Promise for setting/amending a record in the DataStore, if key is false a version 4 UUID will be generated.

If override is true, the existing record will be replaced instead of amended.

Example of creating a record:

var store = haro(null, {key: 'id'});

store.set(null, {id: 1, name: 'John Doe'}).then(function (record) {
  console.log(record); // [1, {id: 1, name: 'Jane Doe'}]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

setUri(uri, clear=false) Promise

Returns a Promise for wiring the DataStore to an API, with the retrieved record set as the resolve() argument. This creates an implicit mapping of $uri/{key} for records.

Pagination can be implemented by conditionally supplying true as the second argument. Doing so will clear() the DataStore prior to a batch insertion.

If PATCH requests are supported by the collection batch(), del() & set() will make JSONPatch requests. If a 405 / Method not Allowed response occurs from a PATCH request, the DataStore will fallback to the appropriate method & disable PATCH for subsequent requests.

Example setting the URI of the DataStore:

var store = haro(null, {key: 'id'});

store.setUri('https://api.somedomain.com').then(function (records) {
  console.log(records); // [[$id, {...}], ...]
}, function (arg) {
  console.error(arg[0]); // [body, statusCode]

Example of pagination, by specifying clear:

var store = haro(null, {key: 'id'});

store.setUri('https://api.somedomain.com?page=1').then(function (records) {
  console.log(records); // [[$id, {...}], ...]
}, function (arg) {
  console.log(arg[0]); // [body, statusCode]

// Later, based on user interaction, change the page
store.setUri('https://api.somedomain.com?page=2', true).then(function (records) {
  console.log(records); // [[$id, {...}], ...]
}, function (arg) {
  console.error(arg[0]); // [body, statusCode]

sort(callbackFn, [frozen = true]) Array

Returns an Array of the DataStore, sorted by callbackFn.

Example of sorting like an Array:

var store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  console.log(store.sort(function (a, b) {
    return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
  })); // [{name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}, {name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

sortBy(index) Tuple

Returns a Tuple of double Tuples with the shape [key, value] of records sorted by an index.

Example of sorting by an index:

var store = haro(null, {index: ['name', 'age']}),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  console.log(store.sortBy('age')); // [[$uuid, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}], [$uuid, {name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

sync(clear=false) Promise

Synchronises the DataStore with an API collection. If clear is true, the DataStore will have clear() executed prior to batch() upon a successful retrieval of data.

Example of sorting by an index:

var store = haro(null, {key: 'id'}),

store.setUri('https://api.somedomain.com').then(function (records) {
  console.log(records); // [[$id, {...}], ...]
}, function (arg) {
  console.error(arg[0]); // [body, statusCode]

// Synchronizing the store every minute
interval = setInterval(function () {
}, 60000);

toArray([data, freeze=true]) Array

Returns an Array of the DataStore, or a subset.

Example of casting to an Array:

var store = haro(),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  console.log(store.toArray()); // [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}]
  console.log(store.toArray(store.limit(1))); // [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}]
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

toObject([data, freeze=true]) Object

Returns an Object of the DataStore.

Example of casting to an Object:

var store = haro(null, {key: 'guid'}),
   data = [{guid: 'abc', name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {guid: 'def', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  console.log(store.toObject()); // {abc: {guid: 'abc', name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, def: {guid: 'def', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}}
  console.log(store.toObject(store.limit(1)); // {abc: {guid: 'abc', name: 'John Doe', age: 30}}}
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

transform(input[, fn]) Mixed

Transforms Map to Object, Object to Map, Set to Array, & Array to Set. Accepts an optional second parameter to perform the transformation to simplify cross domain issues.

haro.transform() is exposed so that you can either duplicate it into the current context with toString() & new Function(), or simply re-implement, for situations where you need to supply the transformation Function.

var store = haro(null, {key: 'guid', index: ['name'}),
   data = [{guid: 'abc', name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {guid: 'def', name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  console.log(store.transform(store.indexes)); // {age: {'28': ['def'], '30': ['abc']}, name: {'John Doe': ['abc'], 'Jane Doe': ['def']}}
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);

unload([adapter=mongo, key]) Promise

Unloads the DataStore, or a record from a specific persistent storage (delete).

unregister(key) Haro

Un-registers a persistent storage adapter.

Example of unregistering an adapter:

var haro = require('haro'),

// Register the adapter
haro.register('mongo', require('haro-mongo'));

// Configure a store to utilize the adapter
store = haro(null, {
  adapters: {
    mongo: "mongo://localhost/mydb"

// Later...

values() MapIterator

Returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element in the Map object in insertion order.

Example of iterating the values:

var store = haro(),
   data = [{name: 'John Doe', age: 30}, {name: 'Jane Doe', age: 28}];

store.batch(data, 'set').then(function (records) {
  var iterator = store.values(),
      item = iterator.next();

  do {
    item = iterator.next();
  } while (!item.done);
}, function (e) {
  console.error(e.stack || e.message || e);


Copyright (c) 2015 Jason Mulligan Licensed under the BSD-3 license